Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Views on PPSMI - Part 1

The following are views and opinions expressed in supporting the teaching of maths and science in English:

View 1

WHY are people still trying to stop the teaching of Maths and Science in English after all these years?

Interestingly, those making noise are not involved in education. These people claim we will lose our Malay language just because we change the medium of instruction in two subjects.

This can never happen. After all, we did not lose the Malay language, even after 100 years of British rule, so how can changing the medium of instruction in two subjects make us lose the Malay language?

I grew up studying most subjects in English. My friends — Indians, Sikhs, Malays, Chinese — never had any problem mixing around with each other, and never bothered about race. There was a strong bond among us because we spoke a common language — English!

I am now teaching in a primary school in a rural area and I see my fellow Maths and Science teachers teaching in English without any problems.

The children enjoy learning and, in fact, speak more English than they did before. They surf the Internet together and cooperate in projects although they are just in primary school.

I really don’t understand why people are against the English language.

Perhaps they want to keep the elite in the city forever elite, and the rubber tappers in the rural areas forever rubber tappers.

View 2

I WAS truly pleased to read the letter “No less a Malay” (StarEducation, March 22). Yes, that is the spirit and a refreshing way of approaching the controversy on the issue of teaching Maths and Science in English.

I, too, must say I am no less a Punjabi although I speak, think and even dream in English. From what I read in the paper, most people in Malaysia support the teaching of Science and Maths in English.

I am happy with this trend. I think we are doing things right because English will stand us in good stead in the coming years.

The whole world is aggressively pursuing progress, and encouraging the study and use of English but some of us in Malaysia, are giving excuses.

This will not do. We do not want to be left out. What is the problem with studying in English anyway?

Some people say it is because teachers aren’t comfortable with teaching in English. Well, they should learn to be.

It should be clear to everyone by now that using more English in our daily lives and in schools and universities will only benefit us. Besides, English is the language of science and technology, and used internationally. We will definitely lose out if we aren’t good at it.

So, stop complaining and master it!

1 comment:

  1. baca >


    banyak lagi... aku setuju terhadap bantahan ppsmi... sebelum ini pun org belajar dalam BM tapi end up berjaya pun... org Korea ngan Jepun lagi haram tak terer english n bajar dalam bahse dorg tp apsal dorg lagi berjaya? jawab jawab.... ini bukan soal bahasa.... ni sume propaganda semata... dibuwat atas dasar politik haram tak tidak memikirkan kepentingan anak bangsa... mungkin tak seswai utk ko bandingkan dengan diri ko n exposure yg ko terima dari zaman skolah.... bagi aku sistem pendidikan perlu dirombak... bukanlah bermaksud kita tidak perlu master english tetapi this is not the way... sebab itu sastera melayu jauh ketinggalan berbanding english.... penerapan nilai budaya mesti dimulakan dari sekolah... dan jangan salahkan budak2 kalau siapa bapa kemerdekaan pun tak kenal... heloo tansri dato prof dr ir mohd sulhi.... sebelum ini anda tahu siapa sasterawan negara malaysia yang pertama, kedua, ketiga? kalau tatau dan nak bising2 pasal bahasa sila buang maycard anda.

    sori emosi
