Monday, March 16, 2009

PPSMI: What's The Big Deal?

Hello folks. here i am ranting and grumbling about the current affairs and state-of-education here in Malaysia. Malaysia, as we all know is a multiracial and plural country. In Malaysia, one can find Malays, Indians and Chinese living together in peace and harmony.

The Malays and other races (viz. Indian and Chinese, just to name a few) attended the government school or so popularly known as "national" schools.

However, of late, certain issues has spark and ignited heated argument about the use of medium of instruction for teaching mathematics and science in English. certain quarters of people disagree with our present government's move of teaching mathematics and science in english.

i, for some reason could not fathom on the current situation. to me: hey, what's a big deal of learning maths and science in english? isn't that suppose to be good? english, as we all know, is a universal language, spoken all over the place in the world. english has become the second major (at least in Malaysia) language used in malaysia. so, why are we trying to stop the children from learning maths and science in english? after all, only these two subjects are taught in english. other subjects such as bahasa malaysia, kemahiran hidup, pengajian islam etc are all taught in malay.

does learning maths and science in english makes malay to be less malay? or even to the extreme point of saying "un-malay"? does learning maths and english derogate one's social status and bring heart attack to the whole nation? no, i don't think so. no one has ever gone blind, or deaf simply by learning maths and science in english, that's for sure.

next is the issue of "nationalism". O people of Malaysia: let thy know that learning maths and science in english won't change one's origin: if we are malay since the day we were born, then we will remain malay forever. the same goes to other races. however, it is very pathetic to hear argument that learning maths and science in english would make one to be less malaysian. says who?

learning maths and science in english is after all, a good move!

Anyway, the arguments, as put forth by certain quarters, says that "bahasa melayu perlu di daulatkan", which in English means, "the malay language should be popularized and worshipped". you know, in secondary schools in Malaysia, the students have to undertake more that seven subjects per year. Let's have a look at the subjects: Bahasa Melayu, English, Sejarah, Science, Pendidikan Islam/Moral, Mathematics, Geografi, and so on. Now, the government is only asking the two principal subjects, namely Mathematics and science to be taught in english, while the rest is kept in original language, that is malay. what the hell is so hard about that? why make such issue a fuss and a ruckus? i don't understand.

enlighten me!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Lawak Jepun

I found this joke from the net. Enjoy (ah, it's in Malay language though!)

Kalau yang sedang boring-boring tu tak tau nak buat apa, dalam kepala otak asyik fikir POLITIK, REFORMASI dan lapar dahaga sahaja, apa kata kita berhibur sikit dengan lawak nama jepun ni.

In order to understand this joke, one need to read the proposed Japanese names slowly. Then only would you be able to understand its meaning. Good luck folks. See what it can unveils!

01. Yang pemarah - KEiJI CACIMAKI

02. Yang suka berjimat - SAYORI SUKAMURA

03. Yang bisu - KIETA TADASORA

04. Yang suka makan nasi - NANACHi KASIBANYA

05. Yang suka layan blues - APO NADIKATO

06. Yang suka belajar - ASHIKO ULANGKAJI

07. Yang kerap bikin kacau - WAKASI HURUHARA

08. Yang sangat kedekut - MATIMATI TAMOKASI

09. Yang suka sangat tidur - ICHIBAN TIDOMATI

10. Yang suka mengintai - HINTAI AKOSUKA


12. Yang kena tinggal bini - SUSAHATI BINILARI

13. Yang suka merempit - SAJA CARIMATI


15. Yang Lembab - AYUMI SIPUTBABI

16. yang suka isap dan suka liwat - SUKASUCK FUCKULAGI

***no offense!***

Teaching Robotics (Part 1)

Folks, tomorrow, 16-March-2009 is going to be my first time teaching the subject Industrial Robotics. This subject is very interesting as it is a combination of four main branches of engineering: mechanical, electrical, electronics and computer science.

In my institution where i am currently working now, the subject robotics is offered only to Mechatronics students. Mechatronics, as you would probably guessed, is an interdisciplinary and integrated engineering combining all branches and streams in engineering. the four most common branches as mechanical, electrical, electronics and computer science.

A robot is a reprogrammable machine and it should, at least, be able to think and have some sort of intelligence. thus, before one learns about robotic, one needs to understand the physical and mechanical elements involved: the materials used to make a robot (this is material science), the motion of the robot (kinematics and dynamics), the drawing of a robot (technical drawing).

Next is how do robot moves? This is by using motors. And the robot should be able to sense something. Next, to start the motor, one need to know the electrical connections, thus basic knowledge of electrical engineering is required.

Next, the robot must be able to be programmed: thus a sufficient knowledge of computer science is required before learning how to program a robot. Although one can argue that robot has its own software, but one can definitely not argued that basic programming skills is needed before learning on how to operate the software.

Thus, having said the above, it is no wonder why the subject robot is only offered to mechatronics students. this is because mechatronic students should, at least, know important elements and basics of the above-mentioned four branches of mainstream engineering.

Topics in Robotics

What would i cover in the subjectr robotics: they are, in sequential order:

1. Introduction to Robotics - learn about robotics and different types of robots
2. Robot Configurations - learn about different types of configuration of robots
3. End-of-Arm Tooling - learn about the end-effector of a robot
4. Ethics, Social and Safety Issues in Robotics - current and social issues in robotics
5. Automation Elements in Robotics - mechanical and electrical elements in robotics
6. Manipulator Kinematics - robot kinematics (up to 3 d.o.f only)
7. Basic Robot Programming (via ABB IRB 1400 robot) - learn how to program and jog a robot
8. Advance Robot Programming (via ADEPT robot) - learn how to use the ADEPT robot
9. Offline Robot Programming and simulation (via Microsoft Robot Studio v5). - learn how to program and simulate robot via VR

Assessment Structure

The assessment structure is as follows:

1. Theoretical tests: 20%
2. Practical test: 20%
3. Lab report: 20%
4. Key qualifications: 10%
5. Final examination: 30%

So, if anyone is interested, do let me know as you are most welcomed to learn robot together with me!

Of integrity, failure, marking and assessment

Hey folks. Sorry for being quiet for quite sometime. I've been busy marking, preparing and trying to catch up with my lessons both at my permanent and part-time job.

Before proceeding to read further, please broaden your mind and think as you are reading, ya! You may agree or disagree with what i am writing, but in the end, i have to right to say and voice out my opinion.

of late, i have received quite and numerous sarcastic remarks from my colleague who questions me on my integrity when it comes to marking. you see, the thing is, is it fair to expect students to fail when you know too damn well that my classes are lagging 2 weeks behind?

tell me, as a teacher, would you expect to see some students failing in your subject? if the answer is in the affirmative, then may i say that you are a "bad" teacher and might need to consider switching to another job. a teacher SHOULD NEVER ever expect their student to fail. otherwise the teacher falls in the "pessimistic teacher" category. no matter how weak your student are, you should never expect your student to fail. failing in the test of other form of in-class assessment doesn't indicate that the students are stupid. they (the students) may not have enough time to study or are too engaged to other activities which disrupts their studies.

i am an "optimistic" and "energetic" teacher. and i am not a person whom students can play around with, but i would never expect my students to fail, unless i am totally and damn-too-sure that their attitude deserve to be complemented with a failure. otherwise, i would always try my best to pass my students: and i don't give pass easily either: i will give them 1001 work to do and to be submitted to me as a proof that they are seriously thinking of passing my course.

Even if the student fail in their test, other forms of assessments like assignments and spot-quiz should be taken into account. malaysia, as we all, know is famous for for having an exam-oriented education style, beginning from primary and all the way to tertiary levels.

When Do Students Deserve To Be Failed?

Now, let me say a few words on this subject. A students, in my opinion, deserve to fail if and only if:

(a) they have poor attitude - being annoying
(b) they couldn't care less about their studies

That to me, is the only reason for me to fail them. Let's go through a detail:

(a) they have poor attitude

Poor attitude results in poor behaviour, and one (as a lecturer) can observe this through their attendance and they way they behave in class. if they do not complete a minimum of 80% attendance, then they deserve to fail. why? because the university rules and regulations handbook says so. look it up. so, there's no question about it.

(b) they couldn't care less about their studies

the truth is, i hate having this type of students. and it seems that every semester i always encounter this kind of student. what do i mean by couldn't care less? it simple means that they don't care about their studies, their marks and their performance in class. they don't have the guts to voice out their opinion (respectfully of course) and they don't have the gut to ask lotsa questions. you see, if your student fail test 1, it doesn't mean that they will fail the course. it simply states that "they have not perform well for Test 1, thus far resulting in a failure".

next, if the students who fail test 1 is a "could care more person", then they will go and see you (after class etc) and asks on how to pass the course. at this moment, you can see that their face would go dull (and some even cried)... one (the teacher) can only upgrade this "could care more" student a mere pass for test 1. raising their score to be of the same level as an "A" student is unethical, and would be construed as bias and prejudice. so, it seems right to upgrade this "could care more" students' mark to a mere pass only. why? because this student have demosntrated that they really are worrying about their marks.

as for the "couldn't care less" students, then they will make no effort of seeing you, and worst, a day before the test/final exam, there will please to you to pass them. sorry but for this student, the only thing that they deserve is a failure, and no mercy on you. it's as simple as that.

To Whom Then Should We Pass?

As i told you before, we (the teacher) should only pass those who deserve to pass and those who make efforts to get themselves pass.

Why Do Students Fail In A Test?

There are many possible reasons, and this include, inter alia:

  1. Did not study prior to the test - this is always the case. i don't want to say anything more about this. they (the students can think on their own). the same argument goes for those who does last minute studies!
  2. Do not understand the subject but makes no effort to see the teacher for clarifications - there are students who feels shy and embarras for no apparent reason. hello, your teacher is a human too, and there's no need to fear them. you just have to respect them.
  3. Feeling unwell during the examination - this might contribute to being one of the factors that makes them fail in their exams. Other factors include: lack of sleep prior to the examination. research shows that those who do not have enough sleep prior to their examination will be most likely to not perform well in their exams.
  4. Poor time management - some students are so energetic (possibly like me) that they do not know how to arrange their time.
  5. Indulge and too-busy with other things (that is SO SO SO SO important than their studies!) - whatever it is, give you study a priority.
  6. The question was too hard and somewhat length - some lecturer loves to give a too damn hard question and expects their students to answer it correctly. this is absolutely unfair because it will discriminates between the good, not-so-good and poor students. the questions should be carefully graded before being inserted in the examination paper.
  7. The lecturer gives question which is totally out of syllabus and expects the students to answer them in 2 hours (how pathethic!) - i know of a lecturer who does this. to give one question would seem okay, but to give two or more question of this nature will result in too many failures. therefore, if possible, do avoid writing this sort of question.
  8. Poor construction of examination questions - some lecturers (i must admit) have a poor command of english language. and in instances where lecturers tried to create their own questions, they'll eventually ended-up writing a question of which no one, not even a native english speakers, could understand. in the end, the students who are sitting the examination paper are at loss and thus fails the examination.
So in conclusion, the factors for a student to fail in the examination does not entirely lies on the lecturer or the students themselves. One need to assess the situation before coming out with conclusions as to why the students fail the paper. Erroneous conclusion are totally unacceptable as both sides (the students and the lecturers) have to be duly examined beforehand.

What About "A" Student?

As for the "A" student: good on you. i salute you and do not worry, i would never raise the mark of those who are originally fail to a mark closer or even nearer to you. they (the fail and 'could care more' students) deserve only a pass.

On Assessment and Marking

we teachers, just like judges, must carried out our work with highest form of integrity and being impartial at all time. the test for a teacher's integrity and honesty is during the marking time. of late, i have been bombarded by lots of questions from my colleague: that all of my students pass 100%. Tell me, is it wrong to have all of my students pass? does having 100% pass means that i a low-quality lecturer? answer me.

my reply to this cynics is that no, having 100% passing rate doesn't mean your teaching is of the low quality. it simply indicates that your students are able to do things to a maximum level. in my case, i am teaching "the repeaters" - those who is repeating mathematics 2. of late, i have been questioned on my marking scheme: that all of my students are having a 100% pass. to me, it is OKAY to have a 100% pass. why? here's the reason: my class starts two-weeks late from other classes, hence the insufficient time for discussions and even lectures. thus, you can't expect me to fail my students simply for your own mistakes. i did not starte the class late: but they (my employer) give me insufficient time for my classes. so, heck: it's not my fault. and please don't question my integrity when it comes to marking. i will do whatever is best so that my students can pass and excel in their studies.

you see, some of these students are supposed to graduate but because of some problems and (foreseeable reasons), they are unable to graduate. simple because they did not excel in their maths.

now, the problem doesn't necessarily lies on the students (although the teacher love to use the phrase "oh-they-fail-because-of-their-poor-atttide"). it may be the fault of the syllabus-maker too. let's have a look at the assessment structure:

Test 1 - 15%
Test 2 - 15%
Quiz - 15% (taken from test 1)
Quiz - 15% (taken from test 2)
Final exam - 40%

is this what one would call a high-quality assessment structure? where is the part for assignments and key-qualifications such as attendance? none. doesn't this form of assessment structure conforms to what i said earlier: that malaysia is famous for having an exam-oriented educational style? don't you think that this form of assessment tend to be biased for the "A" students those out-prejudicing the "not-so-good student"?

i would like to propose the following assesment structure, for the sake of fairness:

Test 1 - 15%
Test 2 - 15%
Assignment - 20%
Key qualification (attendance and behaviour) - 10%
Final exam - 40%

take a look at other leading universities in the united states and australia. okey, let's not go too far: let's take a look at local univerisities such as IIUM, UTM, UKM, etc. their assessment structure includes attendance and also assignment. why? just for the sake of helping the students.

Lu pikir la sendiri.

And no hard feelings ya people. If you take offence at my writing, then think again.
Why can't u be professional, and accept my writing? even if you do not agree with my writing, then the wise thing to do is not to be emotional and let's have an "intellectual debate/discussions".


Peace to All.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Late to Class

How should i tell this story, ya? Well, let's just say that i was bloody late to class today. Today, i am supposed to teach the Tool & Die students Pneumatics. In fact, last night, i told them to be punctual and come to class at 8.45am, but then do you know what i woke up? 9.15am! I was late...

And worst, i woke up because my student (her name is Erna) called me today. Aiyyyaaa....i was so ashamed of myself. Usually, i am never late when it comes to class. I am always on time and punctual. However, things didn't work out well, so, what to do..?

Next, i had my shower and the whole itty-bitty process took about 15 minutes. By the time i reached office, it was 9.45am. Wah, so late. Luckily, on my way to office, i called the students to just cancel the goddamn class. In a way, it is kinda frustrating, but now, i'm over it.

You see, i love teaching. I love being able to stand in front of crowds and teach them something that the don't know. usually, the larger the crowd is, the more excited i get. yes, and this is true.

anyway, i told my students that next week (my class for this group is once-a-week), i will definitely be on time and won't disappoint them again.

oh yes, i owed each of them a drink. so, i have to treat them later in a week. if each drink costs RM 1.50, then 1.50 x 22 = RM 33. i have to fork out RM 33....

But hey, i don't mind...i believe that if you treat people sincerely, then Allah the almighty God will reward you double the amount. Trust me...

Love Destination

It is 9.30pm and i am still in my office. I am punishing myself for coming late to the class today. As i write this note, i am sipping a cuppa coffee, and my heart suddenly beats and pounds so fast that it would burst out from its place...why? because i am so suddenly, and abruptly, moved and touched by the song "Destinasi Cinta" sung by none other than Siti Nurhaliza...

Below is the lyrics of the song by Malaysia's No. 1 singer, Siti Nurhaliza. The song is entitled: "The Love Destiny"...i wonder where my love is going to be destined? hurm...

Di hati yang mana
Ku temu cinta terindah
Kau berikan ku jawapan
Tiada lagi persoalan

Sambut cintaku ini sayang
Berselimutkan kasih kita
Di ruang hatiku yang terpencil
Mekar cinta kita yang akhir

Menuju ke destinasi
Puncak cinta tertinggi
Aku menunggumu
Aku takkan jemu
Kerna cinta itu
Termanis bagiku

Mimpiku semalam
Kau hadir bersama cinta
Kau lukiskan dua hati
Lambang kasih sayang sejati

Kau datang bersama sinar
Menyuluh hatiku yang pudar
Kini semua kembali berseri
Bila kau hadir, ku damba

Matahari masih jingga
Menyala cinta bagai bara
Perjanjian kita berdua
Kekal selama

Where will my love be destined?
I wonder if there is anyone who really loved me...

This is the part of the song which i like:

Menuju ke destinasi
Puncak cinta tertinggi
Aku menunggumu
Aku takkan jemu
Kerna cinta itu
Termanis bagiku"

Allow me to translate this part:

Reaching the destination
The highest peak
I am waiting and will wait for you
I will not feel bored
Because love is
the most sweet thing that has ever happened to me"

Indeed, love is the most sweetest thing that can ever happened to anyone. But careful: love can be deceiving, yet sweet. Iit can destroy you, yet help you to get through your tough times. And it can also brings 1001 meaning to your life.

Love yourself more before you love someone else...
And to "that" someone out there, just know that my love will come to you, in no time...

Owh my god, i am so going to move to tears and my heart won't stop feels like it is going to burst out! It feels exactly like what Leona Lewis said in her song "Bleeding in Love"...

My heart's crippled by the vein that i keep on closing...
You cut me my heart open and i keep bleeding in love

Love, what have you done to me??? Am i in love or am i having a crush on someone? Hurm...let's now analyze David Archuletta's song: "Crush"

"Why do I keep running from the truth
All I ever think about is you
You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized
And I just got to know.."

Now, what do i have to know? All i wanted to know is, where will my love be destined? i don't want to, just to borrow from Azza Abdul-Aziz's word, got tired of waiting and my hopes are fading...hurm...

And one last note from Gigi's song: "11 Januari"...

"Kau bawa diriku
Kedalam hidupmu
Kau basuh diriku
Dengan rasa sayang
Senyummu juga sedihmu adalah Hidupku
Kau sentuh cintaku dengan lembut
Dengan sejuta warna"

Which, allow me to translate:

"You bring me into your life,
You wash me with love
Your smile and sorrows is my part of me
You touch my love for your with uttermost softness
And with millions of colours..."

Love and feelings, what have you done to me??? Help me people, i am sinking in a pool of love...i don;t even know what i am getting into...

"You will never know true happiness until you have truly loved,
And you will never understand what pain really is, until you have lost it"