The Kota Baru Municipal Council has enforced standards on women’s sportswear in a park - only to be criticised for it.
Then, the MCA Wanita Chairman (Datin Paduka Chiew Mei Fun) says this:
Chew said PAS’ sexist policies not only curtailed the rights and
liberties of women but also impacted their daily lives.
“PAS insists on the issue of women’s clothing but the real question
is: who are they to set the standards?
“Why must they label the dressing of others as ‘too sexy’ or
“The rhetoric of PAS seems to be that they are morally superior,
while everyone else is deemed morally bankrupt,” she noted.
She also hit out at the party for its excessive male chauvinism and
setting limits to women’s freedom including a ban on lipstick and high
I must say that i agree with what Mei Fun says. Who is PAS to condemn and set a limit to woman on what to wear and what not to wear? I am so sick of PAS' male chauvinism!
To PAS, let me say this: Islam promotes gender equality and rights to both a male and female human beings. So, therefore, please stop all of this bullshit on moral policing.
Let the women wear what they like as long as they are not being naked in the public.
What PAS can do at this point in time is to promote gender tolerance between men and women. There is no need to snoop and punish girls who doesn't adhere to the principle of Islam. As long as these women dress decently in public, then it is fine.
I am sure that Malaysian woman these days know the true teaching of Islam. If they chose not to follow the true teaching of Islam, then let them be as long as they did not explicitly insult the religion of Islam by going naked in the public.
Furthermore, what the hell is wrong by wearing a lipstick? Why do PAS care so much when it comes to lipstick? What about the male? Why can't PAS ban all Muslim man in Kelantan from wearing shorts and colouring their hair?
Why making this nonsense and bullshit statements? I am just totally turned-off by this somewhat and sometime sexist party who claims to honour the true teaching of Islam.
PAS, Malaysia is a multiracial country. And Malaysia is also a democratic country where everyone is entitled to wear, speak and eat whatever they want as long as they did not insult and break the general code of ethics as prescribed by the Court of Public Opinion. The public's right to do whatever they want so long as they did not violate the law has been enshrined in the Federal Constitution. So there is no need to snoop, squad and enforce pathethic laws on what to wear and what not to wear.
PAS must note that women in Malaysia, unlike in some part of other nation, is educated, intelligent and smart. Women in Malaysia nowadays know what is right and what is wrong.
So stop abuse and misled the true teaching of Islam.
PAS, there is no need to be too extreme, orthodox, and fundamentalist, and there is also no need to be to liberal in interpreting the teaching of Islam.
Care is what you guys must accede to when making statements especially when it touches the subject matter of gender, race and religion.
Verily Allah knows best.
Apo Kono Ni Eh Jang?